Our Units
Learn more about our units below:
The Kosair Official Units listed below perform a
variety of functions or services for our organization.
They participate in events and campaigns of both the Kosair Shrine and when asked Kosair Charities.
More information about each units meeting times and details are found by clicking on each link below.

Brass Band Unit
Meeting Times: Every Thursday at 7:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
Playing music is a passion in the Kosair Brass Band and Dance Orchestra. We play for ceremonial functions, Shrine meetings, dances and Kosair Charities events. We are regulars at Warder Park in Jeffersonville, IN and Bandstand in Corydon, IN.
We belong to the Southeastern Shrine Band Association and travel to the meetings and compete in music presentations. Our Band meets with our Ladies, the Bandettes, for dinner and parties on a regular basis.
For more information, please contact:
Tom Dillard

Canters Unit
Meeting Times: 1st Wednesday of every month @ 10:00am
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Chanters meet for rehearsal on the first Wednesday of every month, at 10:00 a.m. After rehearsal, the men often go for light snacks, drinks, and fellowship.
The Chanters Unit is one of the original Kosair Units. The Chanters sing at Shrine Ceremonials, the Masonic Home, Blue Lodge meetings, and some local area nursing homes. If you have a little singing talent, and you would enjoy the fun of making music with, and for others, then the Chanters Unit is for you. In fact, the Chanters are looking for more good singers (alright, just singers). We would also appreciate more opportunities to perform.
For information on joining the Chanters, or to book them for an engagement,
call their director, Dan Anderson, at (502) 896-9697.
For more information, please contact:
David Stewart
Canters Director

Flying Fezzes Unit
Meeting Times: 4th Monday of each month at 7:30pm
Location: Various
You don’t have to be a pilot, just someone who has flown in a plane, seen a plane or would just like to join our unit. Contact the Kosair Shrine Center Office for more information.
For more information, please contact:
Pete Boyce

Funsters Unit
Meeting Times: Last Monday of each month at 7:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Kosair Funster Unit meets on the last Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
The Funsters purpose is to bring joy, relief and laughter to all with whom they come in contact. These objectives are met through parades, hospital visits and many other public activities. The Unit members distinguish themselves throughout Shrinedom with their professional makeup and costume. Their time and talent have helped raise thousands of dollars for Kosair Kids. Our Clown Prayer expresses our beliefs very well.
For additional information please contact Ronnie Postlewait – 502-415-2237, or email – ronnie.postlewait@gmail.com
For more information, please contact:
Scott Watts

Greeters Unit
Meeting Times:
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
Coming Soon. Contact the Kosair Shrine Center for more information.
For more information, please contact:
Harold Herman

Hard Hat Unit
Meeting Times: 2nd Monday of each month @ 11:00am
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The mission of the Kosair Hard Hat Unit is to assist in the repair and maintenance of the physical conditions of the Kosair facilities by administering aesthetic improvements through cost effective resources, thereby enhancing the visual aspects of our facilities for our members and guests.
We provide manpower to perform general maintenance service, clean up parking lots, yards and grounds, buildings and equipment, as needed in all fields.
For more information, please contact:
Art Davis

Legion of Honor Unit
Meeting Times: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Kosair Legion of Honor is comprised of American Patriots functioning as one of the leading units of Kosair Shrine. We are involved in color guards, Veterans Day, and other patriotic programs.
Membership is unique in that all are required to be either currently serving or have served and been honorably discharged from the armed services of our country. This includes service in the Guard, Reserves, Merchant Marines, and Coast Guard. A certificate to attest to such service is required. In addition, all members must request, be recommended and be elected to the unit.
Our unit is active in fundraising for the Kosair Shrine Circus and in helping Kosair Kids. We enjoy many activities with our ladies and families. Our annual ball, family picnic and other events encourage and reward the participation of all of your family members.
You can understand why we say “It’s an honor to belong to the Legion of Honor.” We welcome new members and their loved ones. For further information, please contact Perry Adams at 502-999-7598.
For more information, please contact:
Perry Adams
(502) 999-7598

Motor Corps Unit
Meeting Times: Last Monday of each month @ 7:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Motor Corps is composed of members whom enjoy motorcycles and other specialized vehicles. This uniformed Unit is one of the finest in Kosair Shrine. Members come from all walks of life. They enjoy fellowship and fun on the Masonic level.
This Unit has many activities throughout the year for Nobles and their families. The Unit organizes and participates in many “Runs” to which are fundraising activities that benefit the Kids of Kosair Charities.
Good people having a good time for a good cause. We invite you to attend a meeting and make new friends.
For more information please contact Jim Schlise at 502-558-0652
For more information, please contact:
Jim Schlise
(502) 558-0652

Oriental Band Unit
Meeting Times: Every Monday @ 8:00pm, Business Meeting on 1st Monday of the month
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Oriental Band was started in 1919. It has been serving Kosair Shrine proudly ever since.
There are 30 active and reserve bandsmen. We dress in colorful Arabian theme costumes. We play horns, drums, tambourines, triangles, a gong, and two unusual “pogos”.
With the support of our Ladies, known as “The Harem”, we perform our own brand of “music” at public parades and special events. We perform so that people will know of the Shriners’ devotion and dedication to help crippled children to walk.
For more information, please contact:
Chuck Strouthman

Past Masters Unit
Meeting Times: First Friday of each Month, Dinner @ 6:30pm, Meeting @ 7:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
This Unit consist of Past Masters duly elected and installed in their symbolic lodges and Nobles in good standing in Kosair Shrine.
The purpose or this unit is to stimulate interest in Masonry and the Shrine and to work for the general interest of all Masonic Organizations.If you are a Past Master of your lodge, please attend a meeting and make new friends.
For more information, please contact:
Henry Watson Jr

Patrol Unit
Meeting Times:
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
Coming Soon. Please contact the Kosair Shrine Center for more information.
For more information, please contact:
Neil Gabehart

Provost Unit
Meeting Times: 1st Monday of each month @ 7:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The Provost is a uniformed Unit which has the purpose of maintaining proper decorum during ceremonials, parades, the circus and any other special event or function in which Kosair Shriners might participate.
Our meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:30PM
Any questions, please contact the Provost Unit Secretary, Noble Fred Mathis, at kosairprovost@gmail.com or Art Davis at 502-418-5323
For more information, please contact:
Rick Laird P.P.

Ritual Cast Unit
Meeting Times: Contact the Director
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
The ritual cast of Kosair put on the First and Third section of the initiation ceremony when a novice joins the Shrine. The First section portrays the founding of Kosair. The third section is the ritualistic installation of the candidate into Shrinedom. These sections are portrayed in full costume and with all significant props.
Membership in the Ritual Cast is open to all Nobles and dues are only $15 per year. No acting experience is required, just a willingness to learn and have some fun. We are looking for Nobles willing to participate on the stage crew, with costuming and to learn speaking and non-speaking parts. We also assist members in becoming ritualist in their Blue Lodges, Scottish Rite, and York Rites. We basically meet and participate at all Ceremonial Days.
For more information, please contact Bill Ryan 502-836-1123.
For more information, please contact:
Bill Ryan
(502) 836-1123

Roustabouts Unit
Meeting Times: 6 Meetings a Year @ 6:30pm
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
For more information about the Unit please contact Kenny Houlthouser at 502-377-6360
The main purpose of the unit is participating and enjoying working our annual Kosair Shrine Circus. We get to participate with the performers and the animals. We work all the shows and get to make a lot of new friends along the way. We also take part in helping out at the Kosair Christmas party for kids. You may belong to our unit as well as others.
We ask that New Nobles work with us for at least one year. Let us help you get to know the members of Kosair Shrine.
Out goal is to help disadvantaged children as we enjoy good fellowship, clean fun, and fraternal brotherhood. We are a group of men with common interests who enjoy coming together and having a good time while helping thousands of kids along the way.
For more information, please contact:
Donnie Decker

Transportation Unit
Meeting Times: 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 10:30am
Location: Kosair Shrine Center
Their days often begin before the sun comes up. They sometimes don’t return to their homes until long after supper is over. They are the members of the Kosair Shrine Transportation Unit, making sure Kosair Kids from all across Kentucky get to their medical appointments.
The Transportation Unit has a direct and meaningful relationship with our “Kosair Kids”. The purpose of the unit is twofold. First, we provide drivers for the Kosair Charities van while on scheduled trips to and from our free Shrine Hospitals and other medical facilities for required appointments. Secondly, we supervise and provide patients, parents and/or guardian with adequate food, housing, and Shriners’ love and compassion to insure a safe, pleasant and enjoyable experience.
Traveling in pairs, Transportation Unit volunteers drive Kosair Charities’ full-size vans that are large enough for a child and a parent, guardian or other family members. One of the vans includes a wheelchair lift. The trips begin at the Kosair Charities garage, with Unit volunteer drivers leaving early enough to pick up the passengers and drive to the medical facility in time for the child’s appointment.
Most trips are scheduled in advance. Common destinations are the Shrine Hospital in Lexington and in Cincinnati. Many trips are for tests or care following an operation. Some of the trips are more critical in nature. All the people we transport are medically fragile children and, often because of the circumstances, their emotionally fragile parents and guardians.
Trips completed in one day often include providing the patients and their parents with meals and companionship during long waits at hospitals and clinics. If the trip requires an overnight stay, the Unit makes sure passengers arrive safely to lodging.
Most of the Transportation Unit’s members are retired from busy careers, but they are driven to help children who need it. In an average month, more than a dozen Unit members make eight roundtrips, traveling a combined 2,800+ miles.
The Transportation Unit is the essence of what being a Shriner is all about. Truly, the Nobles of the Transportation Unit “Walk the Shrine Talk” for Kosair Shrine.
For more information please contact Steven Ward at (502)-235-7942 or email: swray31560@yahoo.com.